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Mistakes students do during CSIR-NET and GATE exam preparation

Updated: May 12, 2022

Dr. Krisha Sharma, Director, KapMan Academy

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Students always worries about how they are not able to crack the GATE-life sciences exam with an impressive rank. This blog can help them to identify the mistakes they do during the exam preparation. Identify your mistakes from this list and conquer it with your ability to accomplish anything and if we have missed the any particular mistake or cause which you have experienced and not listed here write it in the comment section.

  1. Unfavorable background is the one of the major cause students think for their failure. Its needs to be corrected that education needs only your determination and time, nothing else.

  2. Lack of well defined goal can be a blockades to your success. So many choices can dissipates your energy ,therefore instead of focusing on multiple goals, use all your energy on one goal and you will find your success on your way.

  3. Lack of self discipline is the one of the biggest problem in everyone's life. Therefore, work on your discipline honestly. Make sure you follow your goals properly and strictly.

  4. Ill health means having health issues because of improper eating habits can also be a major blockade to your success. Therefore, eat healthy foods for healthy body, mind and soul so that you can focus on your study without any problems.

  5. Procrastination is one of the biggest and major thing which not only students but also each human being does if he is not disciplined. Therefore, avoid doing this biggest mistake and never leave your path which is towards your success for CSIR NET JRF life science exam as well as in GATE exam.

  6. Lack of persistence is one of the cause of failures specially in the national level exam i.e. CSIR UGC NET JRF Life Science or GATE exam. Students start their study with full energy but do not finish it with the same energy which leads to the failure in exams. Therefore, Be a good beginner as well as good finisher.

  7. Negative personality can also leads you to the failures therefore always stay positive. Stay away from the things which inspires negativity in you. Fill your eyes, mind and soul with positive thoughts.

  8. Uncontrolled unnecessary desires for " Something for nothing" can lead you towards the failure. Students leave their study for unnecessary activities such as watching TV, phones, movies in theatre, overnight parties and etc.

  9. Lack of a well defined power of decisions can be a cause to your failure. You decided to study but next minutes you planning for party with your friends or family. So, be determined for your goal. Students needs to improve and master this quality in them.

  10. Wrong selection of Study material for CSIR NET JRF or GATE Exam can become an cause to your failure in exams. Reading from multiple sources can be confusing and time wasting. Therefore, students needs to make sure their sources of studies are authentic and time saving.

  11. Wrong selection of friends, if your friends always encourage you spending money, doing unnecessary parties and other activities which do not add any value in your life then you need to change your friends because they are not only encouraging you waste your money but also encouraging you waste your time which is more valuable.

  12. Wrong selection of a vocation is one of the major cause of failure in most of the time. Students need to make sure what their burning desire is, so they can give 100% in that goal. Therefore before starting the preparation for CSIR NET JRF life science or GATE exam, anything make sure you are ready to give all your heart into that study realm.

  13. Lack of concentration of effort is one of the issue most of the students face during exam preparation. Lack of focus or not giving proper efforts in the study can also leads to failure in the end.

  14. The habit of comparing with others can cause you underestimate your will power so never compare yourself with others. Have faith in yourself so that you can accomplish anything.

  15. Lack of enthusiasm can be a key to your failure in CSIR NET JRF or GATE exam for life science. Without enthusiasm you can not master your goal. Therefore, be focused towards your goal and strictly follow the rules.

  16. Guessing instead of thinking can leads to your failure. therefore students always guess their answers in exams instead of thinking the answer logically, it happens due to lack of knowledge for the respective topic or incomplete study.

  17. Lack of organization is a key to most of the students failure. They fails to time box there time. Do not organize their time with the respective study realm.

  18. Under this ,name or comment any particular cause of failure from which you have suffered that has not listed in the foregoing list.

Thanks and regards

Dr. Krisha Sharma,


KapMan Academy

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